


I am sure that some of you have heard, seen or taken a sniff of some SCENTSY products, and if you have I am sure that you are in love, just like I am!

For that very reason I have signed up to be a consultant, and would love for you all to take a look at the product by visiting my website www.purnell.scentsy.ca , call me if you have any questions or are interested in hosting a party, or selling it!

I've had my warmer for a few days, and cannot get enough it, I love it because #1 the scents smell fantastic, #2 Claire and Olivia dipped their little baby fingers in it, and just wiped it off, no burns! #3 it is just adorable!
TAKE A LITTLE LOOK, let me know what ya think!!!


The Caballero's said...

Ummm would you be willing to come here??

the burnt daisy said...

I love Scentsy, I had a party a few months ago and I got a wicked stash for like the next year or more! Soo good!

Unknown said...

Hey! That's cool! I've heard good things about scentsy. I just started selling Southern Living at Home! We should do catalog parties for eachother!