
The chaos we call LIFE

I think it is unfair to do a post without pictures, it is just a teaser I feel! So I will throw in two just for fun! I cannot believe how big my Olivia looks in the top picture, and the one below is of Claire in her Adorable Cooking Class! She was Making Pretzels that day, and for 6 weeks long she will be making other delicious treats! It is the first Class Claire will really participate in, she usually is overwhelmed by a lot of other kids or just would rather play with her babies, but any chance at making a mess and count her in!
Life around here has been fabulous.... busy, with who knows what, my days just seem to fill up quickly. I love my new calling as 2nd counsilor in Relief Society, I am learning so much and I think it is so neat to see how I am really just a tool in the lords hand, and that so much of what we do in the church is just the Lord guiding us. It's been really great for me, and I love it. It keeps me busier, which I like and I am really getting to know a lot of the sisters better.
Claire was in swimming lessons, no pictures of that... BECAUSE she only went to 3 classes, she was always to cold to participate, and would end up in the hot tub watching, I contemplated getting a wet suit for that kid, but that would be ridiculous, so instead we skipped out and I guess we will never know if she passed STARFISH, I am thinking it's a NO!
Dave just WORKS. At this time I am so very happy for that, I don't even know why we are being so blessed at this time, but things are really really slow around here, and somehow my husband has managed to get hired for a new job the first day he went looking and is really liking it, and is staying WAY busy enough. So although he still is not around near as much as we want him to be, I keep reminding myself that this is only short term, and some day my husband will be able to maybe spend one day a week with us! Oh... but he did find time to shoot a deer, and hang it in my garage right next to my car, it's lovely! No pics!
Olivia is hilarious, and even more of a daddy's girl that Claire, which I didn't think was possible. We love her curly hair and funny faces, and that she is trying to talk. Both my girls have such husky little voices and I love it. She has reached the age of HATING nursery, so I have my little attachment every sunday and if you even walk near that door, she folds her arms and starts crying! She loves Claire and copies everything that Claire does, they are so fun to watch together.
Me... well, I am pregnant, 26 weeks now, and just trying to stay on top of things, I have got it under control right now. I hope that I "nest" for the next 14 weeks, so then when the little man comes I can just relax and enjoy my three babies. I am really excited to have the BOY, and I cant wait for his addition to our family that already feels so great. I hope things continue to go smoothly! I am a horrible poster, and I think as the pregnancy progresses I will get better, because I can sleep less and less. Anyways it is midnight, the babes get up at 6:00, so I should probably go attempt some shut eye.. P.S- for Christmas I want a new computer, a king size bed, and, I need a VAN (I want a Toyota Sienna)! Anyone who is reading this, please tell the man in red, because the man sleeping in my bed isn't that convinced on any of it!


The Pratts said...

Your girls are so stinkin cute! I can't wait to see what your little boy will look like! Okay, and I was so relieved to hear that someone else's kid is overwhelmed by "fun" classes. We've tried the library program, swimminng lessons, and a gym class for Cohen, and for the most part he will NOT participate. I just didn't get it, but I guess it's more normal than I thought. PHEWSH. Hope you guys have a great Christmas!

Mackenzie said...

Cute post meag. and I sure do love those little girlies!!!

Jemaica said...

Wow Olivia has gotten big and I wish I could take a fun cooking class. I just got a good deal on a King Size bed during crazy Black Friday last weekend and I am loving it. I don't do well with being touched while I'm sleeping and now I can't even tell my husband is in my bed. It's fantastic! I hope Santa is good to you

Jenn said...

Gotta love those deer hanging in the garage! lol! My husband also likes to hunt, and I absolutely refuse to go in the garage when there are deer in there, it TOTALLY grosses me out!! That cooking class looks like SO much fun! :)

Francis Family said...

So..no belly yet? I'm sure you look adorable! I can't believe how big Olivia is! Love the cooking class, what a cute idea. I can't wait to see what your little boy will look like, it seems so weird thinking you guys with a boy! So fun!

Jay and Bec said...

Loved that post!! You really sound so happy and content with life. It sounds like things are great! I'm so happy for you. Your family is darling.

The Thomas Family said...

Cooking class?!?! So cute! They are beautiful girls!

kalinda said...

Looks like life is going well. I am so glad to hear that, your girls are beautiful and I am so excited for you that you are having another one, and a boy that is awesome. It has been so long since I have seen you, but I am glad things are good.