
Almost done....

Here I sit... 38 1/2 weeks pregnant, trying to remember why I was willing to give this whole pregnancy thing another go. The first time was special, it was all new, I was blind to the uncomfortableness that would enivitably come. The second time was just that, the second time, and it was so awful close to the first that I was so busy with Claire, I didn't have time to sit and think about anything but myself. BUT NOW..... oh, but now, what kind of a mess have I gotten myself into, I only have a week and a half to go, but that in itself may just kill my poor stretched out body, my aching feet, and my bloodshot eyes. I know all you women out there have been here before, you feel my pain! I am blessed with great pregnancies, I am healthy, I have healthy babies, I really should have no complaints. But that it just to much right now, I AM DONE.
But really, I am so excited to have a baby, I cannot wait to hold a little man

The only reason I am able to write on the blog is because I have been asked to give a talk on sunday. Why in the world would that mean I could waste time doing a post you may ask? The thing is, Our computer officially passed away about a month ago. Just like that I was cut off from the wonderful world of blog, but not anymore, atleast until sunday. See.... I tried to get out of this speaking assignment, I told them it was quite impossible for me to give a talk considering I don't have a computer, my husband is working way to late for me to go out in the evening to do this, and at 39 weeks pregnant I was just feeling a little overwhelmed... but no.... I will be giving a talk on sunday because a member of the bishopric kindly lent me a computer. So on sunday I will talk about the emotional and spiritual side of provident living, wish me luck, and pray that my additude toward the whole thing brightens!

So here is a major picture overload, it is purely for Mackenzie and Caitlin, who have been bugging me to figure something out. Here it is ladies.... lots and lots of pictures Claire and Olivia with Auntie Della, we have been SOOOO blessed to have Della come and stay in Grande Prairie for a few months, it has felt like only a few days. She is staying until I have this little baby, and she has stocked my freezer and stolen my girls hearts, WE LOVE YOU AUNTIE DELLA
One sunday morning, before church. These girls are best friends for real, they are never seperate, I really hope it sticks

CRAZY CLAIRE in the morning!

Olivia and Claire before we went to go see ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS. I thought it would be a joke, but they actually sat and watched the whole thing! IT was a good night, dumb movie, but a good night

Claire often insist that she doesn't need a nap. I thought it was priceless when I found her like this!

The girls on valentines day, I made them these little valentines day crowns, and we spend hours cutting, gluing and sticking stickers EVERYWHERE. When I asked Claire if she had fun, she quickly replied " Yeah mom, I really appreciated it". Where the little 3 year old comes up with her stuff, I don't know!

Smilely Doll, still such a good little girl, and mom to her sister

Livie, with a fairly beaten up doll head in the way, hopefully she treats her brother kinder than this

How could you not love this finger sucking gem, I love it. Her new thing is to hold my ear, well she sucks her finger, as to soothe me also.

Claire and her women! She loves stephie!

Sunday before church. notice claire wearing socks with her tights, she always does until the second we have to go... I love the little nutso!

The girls both sleeping in there room, how precious it is! I love that they are sharing a room now, it is so cute to hear their sweet conversations and little giggles when they are laying down.

Little pictures I took trying to remember how precious they are, because I look back and seem to forget each stage and how quickly they changed from it.

Little Olivia is honestly the hardest little girl to get a good picture of, she NEVER wants to look at the camera!


Unknown said...

Yay! So glad to have an update. I really wish we lived closer Meaghan cause I think you are SUPER fun. Best of luck with the new baby when he does come. I am amazed you are doing a talk this week. It is okay to say NO when you are a week away from having a baby. Heck I still don't have a calling because my little girl is such a handful. I asked to be released from Nursery after they put me there A WEEK after Hailey was born. I couldn't believe it. I tried it though for a couple months but just couldn't handle her and the toddlers. I am glad your little girls are so good now! They will be great big sisters.

Kellie said...

Megs... I'm so excited to meet your little man too! Let me know if you need anything or if I can do anything/bring you anything.

Kimberlee said...

cute pics!! im so happy to finally see new ones! BUT where are the ones of YOU?!?!? i need to see your big baby belly

Alysha Sladek said...

how did the talk go??? i'm sure you did a fabulous job. your girls are darling. i can't believe how much they have grown!! good luck with the upcoming arrival of your little man. can't wait to see pics! good luck!

the Goodbrands said...

HORRAY FOR PICTURES!!!! Your girls are sooo cute!!! You are missing a picture...OF YOUR BELLY!!! I WANT TO SEE IT!! Take a picture..PLEASE!! MISS YOU!

kalinda said...

your girls are so beautiful Meaghan, hope all is well, and I wonder if I am every going to get to meet your beautiful girls.

Francis Family said...

Get a Computer!!! I need communication with you! I'm excited for you to have a boy, you'll have to tell me how it is compared to girls to prepare me. That is, if I ever have a boy!

Jay and Bec said...

I've been thinking that you must me about ready to pop by now! You might have even had your baby, and I just haven't heard about it yet. I can't wait to see pics, and hear all about it. Love all of the pictures of your sweet girls, and hope that everything goes well with your new little one. Love ya!