
Mothers Day

I left church today during sacrament
completely embarressed
totally exhausted
and done...
my girls were being awful, and so now they will be in their rooms until I am ready to love their little faces again.

but as I sit alone.. In silence, I am thinking of what a mother is.

There are many people that have been mother figures to me in my life, none of which have given birth to me, None of these ladies knew me as a baby, raised me each day...but all of these women have left an impression on me, been an example to me of what a mother is.

A mother to me begins when you give BIRTH, when you look into your newborn babies eyes and without a doubt cannot deny the sweet blessing that heavenly father has placed in your arms. Being a Mom means having PATIENCE as you wake up each night to tend to your children in their younger years, to deal with the trials that accompany a two year old as they explore this world and test their boundries. Being a Mother means being filled with LOVE, love for children around you, yours or not yours, she never stops loving... even when her kids make mistakes, they can always count on her love. A mother finds JOY in small things, in tiny kisses from little ones to loving gestures from bigger ones. A mother LISTENS, she knows when her teenager really needs to talk, she listens while her three year old always wants to talk. A Mother CARES, after a hard day of school, she is able to SYMPATHIZE with her children and let them know that it will be okay. A mother SHARES, she shares truths and knowledge, she shares her side of the bed, her body and every waking second. A mother is NOT PERFECT, she is LEARNING.

As women we can all look around, and realize that we have an oppurtunity to be a mother to our own children and to others. I've been told it takes a village to raise a child. I am so thankful for women in my life that I have learned from, for women who listened to me when I needed it, and for Women who have shown me what kind of a mother I want to be, for being excellent examples.

I have a new found respect for Single Mothers, If you want to know the weight of the world, ask a single mom. I wish that there was a day just for these women, were the negativity could leave, and we could all stop and think about their daily trials. I love my Sister, and wish that I could be with her today, because it's single moms that deserve a break today, and chance to celebrate all that they are doing..

I am thankful to be blessed with children of my own, I am trying so hard to be the mom for them that I want to be. I make so many mistakes each day, and am so lucky to have "tomorrows" so I can be better and improve, I am thankful for resilient little children that bounce back each day and love me every morning even though I was a monster when I put them to bed. I am thankful for "I Love you" from Claire and "I loo u" from Olivia, for Jacobs sweet face, and for their patience with me.

Mothers Day is hard for me...I always think, What if??? But today I am trying to focus on the mothers in my life that are important to me, the ones that made a difference, and the one I want to be.



Leslie Ann said...

You are an amazing Mom! Mother's Day is hard for all of us moms... seems wrong doesn't it. I have been cranky with my family all day. Tomorrow is another day.
I missed little Liv in nursery today. I will bring your special gift over one day!
You are awesome!

Cait said...

Love you Meg! Good post.

jeanne said...

Very thoughtful comment on being a mother. All mothers are different. Some are total nurturers, others are more worried about the mechanics of being a mother. I admire the mothers who sit and read to their children and bake cookies with them with flour all over the kitchen. Who don't care if their is a mess but are patient and let their children play in the mud knowing they will wash off. I love mothers who laugh at themselves and their faults and don't take life so serious. I admire you girls and all of your great ideas on mothering.. Life is not perfect but is a road to perfection. Live, love and laugh.

Kim Hawryluk said...

You're such a good writer! You can express your thoughts so clearly and perfectly. Great post. Motherhood has it's challenges, but it's such a blessing too. Glad you've had so many role models you could call 'Mom'!